
#92 - You know you're Swedish when...

Hittade den här listan på en blogg och tyckte den var lite rolig =) Och mycket stämmer faktiskt väldigt bra oxå!

  • You associate 3 pm on christmas-eve with Donald Duck and vice versa.
  • You couldn`t care less about the sixth of june and consider celebrating midsummer as being as close to a proper national day as it will never get.
  • You associate thursday with peasoup and pancakes.
  • You finds it perfectly normal to dress up at easter and knock on random neighbours doors in hope of getting some sweets.
  • You believe there are no"real" traditions in Sweden. (Oh, how wrong you are!)
  • You eat buns with almondpaste and whipped cream on "Fettisdagen".
  • You don`t mind walking instead of taking the car.
  • You put toiletpaper on the seat in a public toilet and doublefold it neatly.
  • You are prone to stand in line without complaining.
  • You are or have been addicted to Lunarstorm/Bilddagboken/Playahead or Helgon.
  • You answer the phone by saying your first name.
  • You rattle the toiletdoor-handle like hell, even though it`s clearly locked.
  • You loudly proclaim that the tapwater in your home is better than any mineralwater sold in supermarkets. ( anywhere in the world)
  • You find it annoying that you have to tip in a restaurant outside of Sweden.
  • You belive it`s very uncommon for people under 25 to actually be married.
  • You openly discuss taboo subjects like sex at the dinnertable or parties with strange people.
  • On the night of th 25:th every month you go wild with expensive drinks.
  • You know it`s a sin lifting the top layer Aladdin chocolatebox before it`s empty.
  • You know when the sunny days coming it`s finally time for "uteservering" when you can sit outside for your "fika".
  • You find people from other cultures generally being rather loud.
  • You don`t consider a congregation of trees being a "real" forest unless it takes at least 20 minutes to drive trough it.
  • You think that people that don´t send their kids to nurseryschool ("dagis") are strange.
  • You only eat sweets on saturdays.
  • You think that everyone is allowed to walk in any field or forest. And when people abroad tells you it`s private land you say: But what about "Allemansrätten"?
  • You fully believe that walking on "a-brunnar" gives you bad luck.
  • You remind yourself which months in the year Sweden is warm by humming the Gyllene Tider- lyrics: "Juni, Juli, Augusti".
  • You can`t imagine a future without a red "villa", a volvo, two kids and a dog.
  • You understand the unspoken war between Stockholm och Göteborg.
  • You don`t find it rude to snoop around in peoples houses the first time you visit. "Gå husesyn"
  • You think every country could do "personnummer" to make things run more smoothly.
  • You hate, but would never refrain from living under "The law of Jante" nomatter how hard you try.
  • You don`t consider small round and fluffy things, served with suryp to be actual pancakes. Real pancakes are thin, taste better and are served with jam and whipped cream! (-Just like the ones Pippi Longstocking makes)
  • You know that a sandwich consists of one slice of bread.
  • Making the cheese look lika a skislope is a mortal offense.
  • You love O`boy and know that is no way Nesquickpowder ever can replace it.
  • You think it`s ridiculous to sell milk and yogurt in anything other than Tetrapak.
  • You know that the most common cars in Sweden are not Volvos or Saabs, but "Ahlgrens bilar".
  • You call cupcakes "muffins" and argue that your way is right.
  • You insist that swedish chocolate is the best in the world, despite what the Belgians and the Swiss might say.
  • You know that there is a massive difference between "gravlax" och smoked salmon.
  • You seriously consider "kebabrulle" being a swedish dish.
  • Gravy just doesn`t cut it. "Gräddsås" is the shit!
  • You feel that "kladdkaka" taste better than normal chocolate cake.
  • You are abroad and "lösgodis" (pick n´mix) becomes more desirable than cigarettes.
  • You put salt and not sugar on your popcorn (and think people who eat sugury popcorn are totally weird).
  • It confuses you that McDonalds abroad doesn`t have bearnasie sauce.
  • You claim that swedish strawberries are superior to all others, but really can`t tell the difference.
  • You really don`t get how anyone can eat peanutbutter with jam on their toast.
  • You really suffer by only being able to eat white bread when going abroad.
  • You like things in general to be "lagom"
  • You find it obvious that a mile is 10 kilometres!
  • You understand the phrase "fjortis" and suddenly don`t miss being a teenager anymore.
  • You are abroad and find it difficult to stop yourself thanking the "kock" for the lovely dinner.
  • You say something was "very funny" when you mean it "was a lot of fun".
  • You`ve tried to teach a Non-Swed to say "Sex laxar i en laxask".
  • You say "Yes thanks" instead of "Yes please".
  • IKEA is home, away from Home.
  • You prefer to buy food at ICA instead of Netto or Lidl
  • As a child it was almost a religous thing to wake up at 9 am during the summer holidays, in order to watch "sommarmorgon".
  • Your mother is very likely to find Ernst Kirchsteiger really attractive.
  • You only listen to "schlager" once a year.
  • You know that Sweden will never actually win the World Cup in football, but keep partying anyway. You`re at a sportcompetition abroad and shouting "Heja heja" although no one understands it.
  • You generally consider the pre-party better than the actually night out that follows.
  • You consider cannabis more dangerous than alcohol.
  • You don`t find it weird to get undressed in a locker room with unknown people.
  • You are obsessed with weather.
  • You get homesick out of reading the list.


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